Logan Martin Lake News Article

The sale of Alabama hunting and fishing licenses for 2010-2011 season begins August 23, 2010

State of Alabama
Posted: 8/20/2010


The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources reminds hunters and anglers that all current recreational licenses expire on August 31, 2010. Several years ago, the Alabama Legislature changed the license year so that both hunting and fishing licenses expire on the same date each year, August 31.

Hunters and anglers are encouraged to purchase both licenses at the beginning of the license year. “Purchasing a fishing license at the same time you purchase your hunting license makes sense. The price is the same no matter when you buy it, but purchasing now gets you a full year of fishing privileges,” said ADCNR spokesperson Kim Nix. “In addition, a person eliminates the chance of being in a situation where they are in violation of the law because their license is out of date.”

Prices are currently $24 for a resident all game license and $16 for a resident small game license. An all game license is required for hunting deer and turkey in Alabama. A resident freshwater fishing license is $12, while a saltwater fishing license is $21. Seven-day saltwater trip licenses are $9 and are valid for 168 consecutive hours.

All recreational hunting and fishing licenses are available for purchase with a credit card 24 hours a day on the Department’s web site at http://bit.ly/diotQ9 and by telephone at 888-848-6887. Most licenses are also available at sporting goods retail outlets, county courthouses and marinas. Saltwater recreational fishing licenses are only available through vendors with the ability to sell them electronically. This includes online and by telephone, Marine Resources’ offices in Gulf Shores and Dauphin Island, probate offices using the electronic sales program, and any electronic point-of-sale location, which includes retailers such as Walmart, Bass Pro and Academy.

To learn about Alabama’s hunting and fishing regulations, seasons and bag limits visit www.outdooralabama.com or pick up a copy of the “Alabama Hunting and Fishing Digest” from license vendors. Major changes for the upcoming season include the following:

• Scopes are now allowed on crossbows.
• No culling of rainbow trout below Lewis Smith Dam is allowed. This means anglers cannot trade fish from the stringer for bigger ones caught later.
• Several counties have a more liberalized unantlered deer season.

Besides name and address, the following information is needed to purchase a hunting or fishing license: driver’s license number, date of birth, sex, height, weight, eye color and hair color. Those born on or after August 1, 1977, and purchasing a hunting license will also need to provide a hunter education number. Hunter education class information is available at www.outdooralabama.com/hunting/education.

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources promotes wise stewardship, management and enjoyment of Alabama’s natural resources through five divisions: Marine Police, Marine Resources, State Lands, State Parks, and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. To learn more about ADCNR, visit www.outdooralabama.com.

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